Do I Need an Outdoor Faucet Cover?

Homeowners should always be prepared for the winter. Besides ensuring that their HVAC system works, they should also get their outdoor faucets ready. Note that frozen pipes are common during freezing weather, and they usually begin from outdoor faucets.

Many people use a faucet cover to keep their pipes from freezing. While it may not be the most attractive accessory, it serves many functions. Let;s see why you should consider purchasing a faucet cover.

Why Are Faucet Covers Important?

Besides preventing frozen pipes during cold weather, faucet covers can also benefit people in mild winter areas. They offer various benefits, including:

Protect Your Pipe- any region can experience unexpected cold weather. When this happens, water inside your spigot or indoor pipes freezes. As a result, it expands and can crack your plumbing system. Insulating your outdoor faucet with a faucet cover can help prevent this problem.
Draft Protection- cold winter drafts can enter your home through cracks and holes around your outdoor faucet. Therefore, leading to frozen pipes. Thankfully, faucet covers can help block the winter drafts, reducing the risk of frozen pipes.
Pest prevention-during cold weather, insects and other pests find ways to keep themselves warm. If your spigot has cracks around the faucet, they may use these openings to enter your garage or crawlspace. Covering your faucet blocks the entrance and keeps the insects away.

How Do Faucet Covers Work?

Faucet covers come in two types; Rigid thermal foam, resembling a cone placed on the spigot and flexible insulated bags that act as a sock on the spigots.

These covers trap heat from the interior pipes to your outdoor spigot. Since they are insulted, they retain the heat, thus ensuring that the water doesn’t freeze. As a result, the spigot pipes won’t expand or break.



Winter can cause huge havoc in any home. For this reason, always prepare yourself for the freeze early by investing in a faucet cover.